The Insane Ramblings of anianka_m, Activist Extraordinaire!

Nov 03, 2011 21:19

The Insane Ramblings of anianka_m, Activist Extraordinaire!

So, a little proud of myself that here I am, on only the second day of my new resolution to make more of an effort on here … hooray! Ok, so probably no one else is that impressed, but then I am a major procrastinator.  Mostly, my job was just so intense that by the end of the day, I am curled up in front of the TV with a bottle of wine and my puppy dog for company for some mindless viewing time so I can decompress!! LOL now I sound like an alcoholic … it’s not really that bad!! Clearly, that river in Egypt is flowing across my living room as we speak … save yourself, Theodore!!

Actually that wine is sounding better and better; worst day ever!! I did actually enjoy my job to begin with, but I can’t claim that to be true any more.  The depressing part is that it could be a great job again, but I am stuck in the position where I am forced to watch my manager take away my workload bit by bit until there is basically nothing left.  No reason for it that I can see except that … and god, do I hate having to admit to even thinking the issue is about my gender, and that I could lay the blame for this situation on my lack of ability or performance, but I am a darn good at what I do, and I have never failed to deliver on any of my briefs!! I have made a good faith effort so many times now to speak to him about it, and he is so eager to allay my worries with the vaguest confidences that I cannot help but feel I am supposed to feel slighted by the whole endeavour.  AND he just signed off on a contract to bring in a specialist consultant to ‘assist’ with the BA portion of the project, and when he handed me the PD this afternoon so I could organise the resources 'new guy' will need, it was like a slap in the face to see how many of my roles this new person is about to take on.

Well, on the bright side, at least I have plenty of time during the day to work on my resume and my writing again, and focus more energy on the new GLBTI committee a few colleagues and I have kick-started recently.  As Liaison Officer, the Chair and I were nominated to attend a seminar held interstate to represent our organisation, so I don’t think I’m going to get too much trouble from my direct supervisor for taking time off now LOL!!

Today was my first day back at the office after the long Melbourne Cup weekend break.  Although I didn’t have a full five day weekend, as I had a previously scheduled full day training session yesterday in the CBD.  Kinda like a relaxed way of getting back into the routine (hehe).  I don’t actually know how much of the syllabus I will actually use in my day to day work life, but it was interesting all the same.  Plus, the added bonus of learning much, much more about plastic surgery from our trainer than I think I ever wanted to know lol!  I do have to admit, however, that he did look awesome; and I almost fell out of my chair when he admitted his true age as being over a decade older than he looked!! To my eternal shame, I am actually considering the benefits of a few procedures myself now.

Speaking of appearance, I was so amused to see ‘Ugly Melanie’ was being played on the World Movies channel when I got home this evening.  HILARIOUS!!!!! Classic story of a victim of bullying making a change to get revenge and realising that who she is inside is all she needed to be to find happiness, in true French comedic style!  The kitten in the rubbish bin, the rampaging elephant, the mob of oldies with baseball bats … oh, my dog thought I had LOST MY MIND!! Hehe … such perfect ideas to wreck on my boss lol!

Hmm, all this typing has made me ultimately aware of the sad state of my nails … omg, where is my nail file …???  I must save my cuticles from themselves at once!

insane ramblings, working for adolf, cos i just lurve saying pit

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