
May 16, 2024 23:21

Sheesh, it has been a while since I posted. Spring is finally here. Work continues to be stressful, with big changes at the parent corporation and continuing talk of mergers. But so far our production is hanging on.

Chipmunk hiding in a tree stump.

The three stooges at the tree stump. None of them are actually looking at the chipmunk.

Hardway(black and white) got bored and bounced off to chase a bug. Rocky(white and orange) decided that rolling in the dirt was a better use of his time. Clyde(orange) did a slow motion paw swipe that ended in a faceplant as the chipmunk ran for it. He missed the chipmunk by a mile. These cats are better suited to hunting kibble. Chipmunk is probably still laughing.

Not much else to report. I have been working on losing weight and eating better. I have another .5 to go on my A1C to get back down to pre-diabetic range. Husband has heart and blood pressure issues so we are both changing our diet around...less red meat, no late night snacks, etc. Progress is slow, but at least the numbers are moving in the right direction.

Kid is working, driving a logging truck. He applied to reenroll to uni in the fall and got approved, but he is making noises about taking another semester off. Right now he is making around 1500 every week which is a ton of money when you are his age and have no real bills. But the job is seasonal, does not come with any benefits, and has no growth potential. At least once he goes back to school he should not need any financial support. I really would like to see him finish his degree.

Back to work for me. Today's agenda: green goo, dragons, and a fancy bridge

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