
Nov 12, 2023 14:53

My mom had yet another fall, but fortunately it was at night at sister's house so she got instant help. Mom is fine, but it is becoming clear that she cannot live on her own any longer. Mom has been at her old house for 40 plus years, and it is full of stuff. I think I still have old uni art projects in her garage! It is going to be an epic task to organize. Sister is taking Mom back this weekend for church and will pick up some more things.

Work continues. The first set of sketches have been approved for the book project. I plan to get some coloring done over Thanksgiving break from day job, since that will be a 4 day weekend.

It is getting cold, wet and windy. I prefer snow to rain, at least snow is pretty. Right now everything is just damp and gloomy outside. I have 3 heated cat beds and 6 cats. It is amusing seeing them play musical chairs during the day. I would buy more but in our old house outlets are at a premium. There are no more convenient places to plug in a cat bed.

We went to Walmart today and I got new cozy winter pajama pants for work. My daily work outfit is fuzzy pajama pants and cat hair covered t shirts. WFH is great.

Time to do some bills and laundry! I have a rare free weekend, but do not feel much like doing anything creative. Husband is grilling pork ribs for dinner, and I am tasked with putting a couple sides together. I could bake some brownies. But next week is my yearly checkup, and I suspect the doc is going to tell me to watch the blood sugar, so maybe that is not the best idea...
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