FIC: Rivulets

Aug 26, 2009 20:55

Title: Rivulets
Author: jordannamorgan
Xverse/Spoilers: Movieverse; spoilers only if you've never seen X1.
Characters: Storm and Wolverine.
Summary: Storm cleans up after the death of Senator Kelly.
Disclaimer: They belong to Marvel and Fox. I’m simply playing with them.
Notes: This is a birthday present for wabbitseason. She asked for a ficlet about Storm and Wolverine in ( Read more... )

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Comments 6

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jordannamorgan August 27 2009, 03:51:17 UTC
Thanks! :)

(And you're the second person to use the word "visceral" in relation to this story. So far it's actually garnered intelligent reviews at the Pit. *g*)


wabbitseason August 27 2009, 04:02:49 UTC
Thank you so much for the fic. I probably should have come up with something fluffier/cheerier for my birthday, but strangely it suits my mood lately. I do think visceral is a good description for this story and nicely touches on Magneto's impact on Ororo. I love her sense of compassion in this story and wanting to do something for the late Senator. I like Logan's line about good intentions. Even in the comics, the mutant cause always seems like an uphill battle.


jordannamorgan August 27 2009, 04:30:16 UTC
You're very welcome, and again, happy birthday! :)

It suits my recent mood, too. :Þ The last couple of stories I've written were humorous, so it was fine for me to get back to angsty self-examination fic.


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Re: aww..wolvie is such a softie jordannamorgan September 6 2009, 03:14:57 UTC
Thanks very much! :)


thecapillary September 28 2009, 14:23:25 UTC
That was a loverly fic.

I never gave that moment in the movie much thought but you've definitely given it some new light.


jordannamorgan September 29 2009, 03:33:14 UTC
Thank you!

I always figured it *had* to be pretty traumatic for Storm to watch a guy melt into a puddle right in front of her. :Þ


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