Yay surveys from Candis!

Nov 13, 2006 19:45

What’s the last Quentin Tarantino film you watched?
I re-watched part of Pulp Fiction on tv about a month ago.

How many Fiona Apple CD’s do you own?
None- me, who loveth the angry chick muzac.

When’s the last time you wore the color red?
Ha! As if I pay any attention to what I wear. I'm a lesbian.

In your opinion: how many times a day should a person brush their teeth?
At least once in the morning and once at night- sometimes once in between depending on the circumstance.

Britney Spears or Pamela Anderson?
Pamela Anderson, because of her extraodinary dramatic turn in "Borat".

When’s the last time you played a video game?
If you include geeking out on the mega touch at the bar- just a few days ago. Actual video game... a few weeks ago playing Fusion Frenzy with Vic.

When’s the last time you were in an arcade?
Holy shit... um, I guess going to Dave and Buster's when Jessie and I were kind of dating- so quite a while ago.

Have you ever seen a bat in real life?
Yes, in fact I tried to catch one and free it whilst visiting Jenn- I was unsuccessful because it gave me the evil eye.

Do you call it a “cougar”, a “mountain lion”, or a “puma”?
Wait- they're all the same thing?

When’s the last time you saw a rainbow?
Every day... we have a rainbow windsock to display our pride and piss off the neighbors.

If given the chance, would you ride an elephant?
Maybe- as long as it was being treated right and wouldn't rear up and stomp me.

Now and Laters or Jolly Ranchers?
Now and Laters, even though they get stuck to your teeth.

Gravy: White or Brown?
I'm good with either- I like to eat.

What smell is good on the opposite gender (or same gender)?
Umm, I don't have a specific smell- I always like whatever the girl I'm currently attracted to is wearing.

What’s better: towels fresh from the dryer or pie fresh from the oven?
Depends. If I'm hungry it's pie, if I'm dirty it's towels.

Have you ever eaten mutton?
No- I don't think I even know exactly what that is.

Favorite cereal as a kid?
Coo-ookie Crisp!

Oreos and Milk or Brownies and Milk?
Ah shit- don't make me choose.

Buttered Popcorn or Caramel Popcorn?
Depends on what my tastebuds are craving- sweet or salty. Really though, kettle corn is the best.

5 years without cheese or 10 years without soda?
Ten years without soda- no way I could go without cheese. Just the thought makes me want to cry a little.
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