Good days...

Mar 07, 2008 09:46

Dear  Belisa,

Sometimes days are just good. I figure it usually doesn't have anything to do with the length of time that the "goodness" lasts. There are days where the "goodness" hasn't lasted for me and someone buzzkilled my day at the end, but I'll still say it was a good day. However surprisingly enough I had a complete good day yesterday from start to finish and so far today I haven't woken up from a bad dream that is a mix of cliche dystopic futures and my own inner worrys of the world, so I figure I'm already off to a good start for today too. :)


lilpanda04 and I went to CCSF as usual although truth be told she had to wake my dumb @$$ up since I hella overslept. Chem was fairly easy and aside from a slightly boring lecture of GCMS everything went fine. We got back to Berkeley and went our separate ways where I proceeded to verbally thrash my computer for it's stupidity. [I've formed a hypothesis that I might be a laptop jinx.]

lilpanda04, and I met up with Heather and
r_y_l_l (THE BIRTHDAY GAL) to celebrate at Fenton's! I had a good time with them and a good time stuffing my face with the fat ass delights of a tasty bacon cheeseburger, mozarella sticks and a mixed berry ice cream dish. Afterwards MaiMai hooked it up with one of her famous desserts in the form of a tasty muffin and I ate it quietly as I walked back to the Roach. My mouth still waters from the food memories!  :-}  ::drools::

At any rate, today's agenda consists of working on my Chem CPR assignment, working on some applications for summer programs, going to work and doing some laundry. Fairly simple and boring, but it's only 10am in the morning so hopefully the day will pick up.

I'm in an usually good mood despite the fact that next week is going to be hellish because of a busy schedule. Mah, I guess a good night's sleep makes all the difference between a goober, a b*tch or a grouchy b*tch. I figure today I'm at goober status so it's all good.

Well I'm off to get some crap done before I have to head off for work.

Hasta luego,


memories of happier times

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