Girls can cry...and freak out boys...

Dec 15, 2006 16:49

Dear Belisa,

I am really friggin embarrassed right now because of the fact that I just cried. Not out of sadness mind you, but out of happiness because I got an A- in my ESPM class. I failed the first midterm so badly it's not even funny,...but through some miracle I still managed to crawl my stupid self to a good grade. A lot of things haven't been going so well these past few days so when I saw that I was just so overwhelmed with happiness that I started to bawl like a baby.

Unfortunately I forgot how thin these walls are and I managed to catch the attention of one of my fellow housemates named Ravi. He knocked on my door and asked subtlely if I was okay because I looked like I had been crying. I got embarrassed and stuttered out that yes, I had, but that it was because I was so happy that I got a good grade in a class that I thought I was going to fail. Seems like such a GIRLY thing and reason that I got even more embarrassed. (Yes, I'm being slightly sexist and right now I don't care.)

What a weird day today has been. I'm SO not ready to go back home to Texas tomorrow night. I still have one BIG problem left and 3 little ones which are busting my balls, as it were.

Geezus, how embarrassing! I cried like a girl! I know I am one, but I don't have to cry like one!! Freak! Ravi won't make fun of me, but still that's annoying!! Grrr, son of a cow! Damn it! T_T


Your ever half-baked friend, Anhura

memories of happier times

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