Oct 08, 2003 02:28
Alright, so I went to the concert tonight. Fun stuff. Yeah. Fun stuff. I was just happy to get to spend time out of work with Drew. >.<
I GOT TO MOSH! W0000000000T. One happeh Kristen.
James is fucking great at moshing.
Alright so I saw Static-X, soil and Skrape... SKRAPE BLEW SOME BIG NUTS! The end...
Soil was ok, but lost the edge they had when they were first starting out... More on them soon.
And Static-x *shwing* Great stuff.. Great pit.
Alright, so after the concert I went home with George instead of James, because Drew was with them >.< Plus George drives faster. Well, We went and got them losbeto's. Great stuff. I went and got my car, Krista was still at rialto waiting for Wayne Static with her sister. So I drove back to meet him with them. I got my picture taken with him and a poster signed for my brother since he didn't get to go. Then we went to eat at Grill. *Drools* such good food. After we were rushed to stop eating by Krita, we walked back to my car and what not... I then saw the Singer to soil and decided to be nice and tell them thanks for coming to AZ and playing... Well... That turned into being asked to do jello shots on their bus with their bassist Tim... So Krista and I looked at eachother questioningly, I told her we could go on, but I wasn't drinking, I'd just monitor... Alright so Krista Stacy and I go on the bus and chill a bit... We got to talking about looks, and I was like "Yea Krista's a gorgeous girl" And he's like "What about you?" I simply replied with "Don't get me started".. He looks at Krista and says "Your friend has low selfesteem, doesn't she?" She replied with a "NO SHIT!" and he egged me on, so I gave him the usual list of reasons why I don't find myself atractive and what not... He had me stand up and the first words to fly out of his mouth were "YOU'VE GOT A BIG RACK!" followed by, "how old are you?" ok whoa buddy! Sixteen, MY BOOBS AREN'T THAT FUCKING BIG! THEY'RE ACTUALLY NOT! 34c... Thanks! *blushes hardcore* And then he followed that with "You've got a nice figure, and pigtails suit you well," "You've got an adorable face, and you're far from fat."
I just wanted to punch him. And amidst my standing up, their drummer kept grabbing my ass... I finally grabbed his hand quite harshly turned around shoved back and told him not to touch me, or I'd kill him. He didn't listen so I punched him.. Ok, so Tim kept on talking, and he said that he'd bring Me to the back of the bus to have sex if I hadn't told him my run through of expectations in a guy and what not. hah. Buddy, wouldn't of had a chance even if I hadn't.. I don't fuck rockstars mkthxdie. >:|
Meh, after this bunch of talking,and he told me that he'd be upset if I had sex with another guy unless it were the guy I was engaged to.. Next time I see them in concert.. I replied with..."Will you even remember me?", "Of course I will"... Me.. "now tell me, what's my name?" He replied with "I never got it?" I laughed told him my name and told him, "If you forget my name by next concert and don't remember me, I'll bitchslap you."
Yeah, so after a while we decided it was getting late and we needed to go home... So I'm home now and still in shock of how badly Krista and I were getting hit on by Tom... FUCKING NICE RACK?! *Screams*