Jan 13, 2009 10:35
I didn't think selling a car was this difficult. People are offering 500 less than we asked and they don't even read the ad I posted on Craigslist. If I get one more email that asks the same questions that are answered in the ad, I am going to scream. And no you can not come early, you need to wait for my husband to get home. Frustrating.
On another note, I was not impressed by the midwife I saw today. Granted her day was thrown off by a blown out tire on the way to work. I had to wait an hour (I left and came back) for my appt and they did little to acknowledge that. She is newly graduated and was very blah. She did not seem concerned or have many questions for me. It was like she was almost in a daze. I am hoping that was just the bad day she was having. But I surely hope I get someone else when I deliver. To make me feel better I made next week's appt with my favorite midwife, the one who delivered Gabe. Hopefully I go into labor before then, but who know! 2cm dilated but that really means nothing. I would try to walk this baby out, but walking is quite painful. Having the late appt also threw off my day. I was hoping to get an early morning nap in, but now I have to pick Gabe up in 40 minutes.
Oh well!