Job Search Rant Ahead!!!

Mar 22, 2010 17:16 I've been hitting the pavement looking for jobs. Hard!

Well, I went on a weird group interview for a position, then got called back for a 2nd interview for said position. They had me do all this crap for a background check, then called me on Friday to let me know they are just waiting on a few things to finish up, but that the job was basically mine. She didn't say maybe, she didn't say anything about their internal candidate, she said ME.

Then, another job I went on an interview for last week said she was going to have interviews last week, make her decision and offer someone on Monday.

So, I am thinking, this is going to be a GREAT Monday!! One, if not TWO job offers, and I will be on my way to being a contributing members of society again.

Oh no. Not hardly.

First, get the call from the place that was supposed to offer someone today and they want me to come in for a 2nd interview. I mean, that's better than no, but that also must mean there is another candidate that I am up against. :/

THEN...the other place, that TOLD ME I HAD THE JOB...called to let me know they decided to go with an internal candidate. Ok. This girl was IN THE GROUP INTERVIEW, and I can tell you right now, she will not, in any shape or form, be able to handle this job. This girl is like 19years old, and has only had ONE job, and that's being a receptionist. NOTHING against receptionists, but this job is EXTREMELY detail oriented, and it really needs someone experienced, which she isn't. Whatever. :( I just wish they hadn't let me think all weekend that this job was mine and it isn't. I would be disappointed, but not completely crushed, as I thought I would be headed off to work tomorrow or the next day, regardless of the outcome of the other company.

So, I am fighting back tears of rejection and frustration and trying to be the upbeat, positive person that I am. It's hard though. Josh said something to me the other night about being a little insecure for the last few days. Well, YEAH...I've been looking for 2 months and interviewed, and still don't have a job. This just makes it worse. I was told I had it, then they took it away from me without even giving me a chance. Now I really feel crappy. :(

depression, job hunt, rejection

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