bleh. Bleh. BLEH!

Jan 13, 2010 10:23

Ok, this never ending cold snap can freaking GO now. I am cold all the time, even when I shoudln't be. I am cold all the way to my bones and it's wearing me thin.

I know, it could be way worse. It could be - degrees outside, and that is very true, but I am not used to this cold, and we have no heat in the house. Just one little floor heater that only gives off enough heat for about 2 feet radius.

I get all psycho when I sleep if my clothes get twisted up, which is why I wear a really specific kind of PJs, and can't STAND to wear layers, ever. SO I wake up all freaked out and having a fit 10 x a night. LOL! I think I must dream about being held down or strangled.

Also, I have GOT to get some fake nails on, ASAP. My real nails, even cut down to the quick are still too thick and sharp, and I end up clawing myself up in my sleep. Fake nails don't break the skin. They aren't like little razors, like my real nails are.

Yes, I am Whiney McWhiney Pants today.

I am ready for my trip home to see my mom and my friends. 2.5 weeks to go!

Tonight is also weigh in night and I am nervous. I have started exercising again, but this last week I didn't track my food very well. I had a few things that were high in fat / calories, so I am not sure if they two will balance out or not. Even if I gain, it's just a learning experience and we'll just move forward and make next week a better one. :)

I know that the week where I go home I will probably gain. LOL! I am SO eating Mexican food when I am there. Not saying I am going to go buck ass wild, but I need to get me some GOOD Mexican food. NOMNOMNOMNOMNOMNOM

tee hee

random, weight loss, life

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