Making new friends...

Nov 23, 2009 14:21

...sort of!

So, Saturday night we go to the blues festival with Kris' friends Joe and Wendy. They are super cool, and a lot of fun, but after the festival they wanted to go and watch the fight at a sports bar, and well, you all know me, I GOTTA get my karaoke on.

So, we went to our regular Saturday place (ok, so this is only the 3rd time, but I like it there and the lady tells people she has adopted me! hahaha), and were drinking and hanging out.

This girl sitting at the bar asked me how to sign up for the karaoke, and I told her. I could see she was there by herself, and she kept glancing over our way.

Eventually she ended up over at our table, and talked to me all night. She seems pretty cool, but has a lot of issues...which she told us about right up front!!! hahaha she is with some loser that cheats on her, and she doesn't really want to leave him it seems. It's been a long going affair he's been having with some girl he works with, and she knows about it, and they fight about it, etc. She's real pretty and sings really well, she shouldn't be with such a lameass loser!!!

At any rate, we have tentative plans to check out a different karaoke place on Sanibel island, which should be cool, as I have never been over there. I have her number, I should text her today and ask how she's doing. I just hope she's not a phone person, as I HATE talking on the phone! hehehehe

I had a really good weekend, all in all. Our backroom is painted and mostly ready for a nice new bed and we went grocery shopping and I picked up lots of healthy things to eat...none of which made it here with me today!hahahaha Well, I did bring crackers w/peanut butter...but it's 2:30 and I am freaking starving. UGH!

Hopefully I won't be here too too much longer today and I can get something to eat, or eat something at home.

friends, life, karaoke

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