Job Hunt Continues...

Nov 02, 2009 16:49


Today's job was a no go. Would be 450 miles total each week to and from work, and the pay is only $9.50 per hour. I would just be paying for the gas to get there and back.


I am still very hopeful about the HR job. Please send happy get the job thoughts my way. I really need this job, both for economic and psychological reasons.

I stopped in Goodwill today while I was out and about, and got an almost brand new pair of BORN sandals for $6. I am So lovin' the Goodwill. Also, got 5 spiral notebooks for 98 cents. Figured why not? We can always use notebooks around here.

I shipped out all of the stuff I have rec'd payment for today too! :) Clothes are on their waaaaay! tee hee hee

I am hoping my wig heads get here tomorrow. I want to set my thingie up, and I want to put more wigs out so I have more fun variety! WHEEE! :)

Yes, random girl is very random today.

job hunt, thrifting

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