Job Hunt Rant ahead...

Oct 21, 2009 09:30


Here a scam, there a scam, everywhere a scam scam!!

Sheesh! It wasn't like this the last time I looked for a job, and the economy was bad then too.

I really don't get it. Why are people/companies trying to scam THE UNEMPLOYED?? Uhm, we are looking for a JOB, usually that indicates that WE HAVE NO MONEY TO SPEND ON WHATEVER SCAM YOU HAVE GOING!!!

A lot of them are "going back to school" related, so I guess I get that...but still. If I wanted to fucking go back to school, I would already be there.

...and another thing, if you take the time to INTERVIEW someone, you should at least have the decency to call or email letting the person know they didn't get the job. ESPECIALLY when you say "We will let everyone know either way..." in the fucking interview.

I get not wanting to call...I don't like to do stuff like that either...but drop an email to the people you didn't deem worthy enough to work there, or worse, in my case, usually TOO worthy. I'm too qualified, I know how to do too many things, I've made almost six figures in my past therefore I won't be happy with $10 an hour.

Uhm. Right now I am making NO dollars an hour and it's driving me batshit insane. I NEED my own source of income.

As of now, I have started applying at such places as - Murphy USA, Kohls and Target...and no, not in administrative roles, as a cashier. Oh, and I have an interview ON NOVEMBER 24TH with UPS to be a part time Driver's Helper.

LOL! Can you see me as a Driver's Helper? True I wouldn't mind being the UPS girl, but I also can't lift really heavy packages...then again...I am sure they have dollies and stuff!

...and for those of you thinking "Well, you had a job but you quit..." I am still NOT sorry I quit that job. It sucked, and the way the hours were, I would not have had any time for interviewing or looking for something else unless I called in sick. I know I would have had mney coming in, but I would have been miserable. I want a job where I can connect with people, and even being a cashier at a store would be better than that job for that very reason. I want to interact, and maybe make some friends of my own.

It sucks not having any friends here. :( If I want to go shopping for girl's clothes or whatever, I either go by myself or take Kris, and I'm sure he loves shopping for women's clothing.

job hunt, life

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