Adventures in Angyl-land!

Jul 27, 2009 13:25

So, this weekend, well, it was...different!!

Friday night, I had to plans to have dinner with a friend, but at the last minute, my mom called me and let me know that my aunt showed up, and she wanted me to come over for dinner. *nervous look* My aunt and my dad don't always get along. So, I headed over after work, fully prepared for - well, I don't know what really - but it was pleasant. My aunt talks too much, but she's very nice and kind hearted. I found out that my cousins are all on crack (her sons) and that broke my heart. One of them is my age, and just the nicest guy. :( :( :( I told her about my experiences with my ex, and how he is, and what to expect and what to look out for, at least from my personal dealings with a crack addict.

Then I headed out to Sam's with Sandra. It was no beuno. They've changed around the bar, so I can no longer sit in the corner and "hide" from everyone. So, this means that we are out there in the middle of the bar - which I guess makes us "fair game" for people to come and try and talk to us! LOL! One guy annoyed us so much that we had to get up and leave!! He was sitting behind us, and kept poking me in the back and saying inane things to me like "Hey..." *poke*, "Hey..." *pokepoke*, then I would turn around and he would say something ridiculous like "you have freckles...". He was apparently doing the same stuff to Sandra, so we decided to leave and hit another bar. I had a few more drinks, stood outside and talked to Kris for a little while - and saw BATS in the parking lot!!!!!!!!!!, sang a song or two, and went home. WHEW! I finally got a decent picture of one of my tattoos as well, and will eventually post it here! :)

Saturday AM I got a call at 830 AM from my mom b/c they needed my help moving this HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE old treadmill into my aunt's truck. I did this, and went back home and went back to sleep for a while! WHEW!! Sandra and I went to Memorial City Mall, I did check out Faith21, and it was no good. Bought 1 shirt at Torrid. So sad. ...but we did have really good food and had a fun time just looking around.

I hit Lane Bryant by my house afterwards, and they were having some of their sexier nighties on, well, I got one. ;) The laundromat was ALWAYS crowded, so I didn't end up doing any of my laundry! AUGH! :) I did, however, catch up on Trueblood, and all I can say is OMG!!!!!!!!! :)

Sunday at FOUR AM (ACK!!!) my parents wanted to go to the casino, and said they would give me a little bit of money. So I drug my non-sleepin' butt outta bed, and headed over to their house. The backseat of the new van is highly comfortable for sleeping!! LOL! It was FREEZING in the casino, and I was too tired to have as much fun as I could have...but I still had a nice time. I ended up coming hom $800 richer, which will come in really handy. I have some good ideas on how to spend some of that, but I'll have to see.

The Sunday Saga continues when we go to get our valet parked HANDICAP VAN, and they have LOST MY PARENT'S KEYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AUGH! We are SO lucky my dad had his spare set in his man-purse! YAY for man purses! ...still, we had to wait for almost an hour while they filled out paperwork and such abotu the lost keys.

FINALLY I got home! WHEW!!!!!! It was around 11 o clock or so and much to my happy surprise, Kris was still up, and I got to talk to him before I went to bed. This made my day oh so very much better, and I was able to fall asleep with a smile on my face.

Today - back to the daily hum drum at work. However, one different thing to note...I AM WEARING A DRESS. Yep, you heard it here, people in hell ARE NOW DRINKING THEIR ICE WATER. :)

*grin* Here's to hoping this week, and part of next week, will just FLY by! I'll be in Florida on August 6!! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!

mom, love, weekend, casino, dad, karaoke

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