Disappointing, but a starting point...

May 14, 2009 10:34

...so I weighed in last night.

No bueno. :( I gained 1 pound, but that's ok. It was a good thing to show me that I can't be lax in this. When I was younger and lost weight, I did it with very little effort.

Well, hell, that was 10 years ago. It's going to be hard, but worth it.

This week, I need to:

- get into gym and find out class schedule and work up an actual schedule on WHEN I am going to go up there. I go home and laze around on the recliner because I am bored and tired, well that will cure boredom, and help with the whole "tired all the time" thing.

- PLAN MENUS. I don't cook, but I can microwave like a freaking pro. SO, find microwave / crockput / foreman grill friendly recipes. I need to plan the whole week, so that I know what I am going to eat, and when, so that I don't just say "well, I don't have anything set out.." and end up at fast food!!!

- GO TO THE ACTUAL MEETING NEXT WEEK. I found my very first WW leader. She's in Deer Park, and she's awesome. Last night I got there late, and most of the chairs were taken, and I have anxiety about sitting at a table with a bunch of people I don't know. I was having a bad skin day, and freaked out, so I just weighed and left. Next week I am going to get there EARLY and get me a seat...i don't mind people coming and sitting at a table I am already at, I just HATE walking up on a table of people and sitting down. I know, I have issues.

- Start taking pictures of myself, and really working on how I look every day. I feel better about myself when I am not just a big ole' slob.

- WASH MY CLOTHES - I despertely need to hit the laundrymat. ALL of my good jeans are dirty, along with a good many of my fave shirts.

- Get old clothes out tonight and take pics and write down descriptions so that I can post on fatshionista tomorrow, and then have it all ready for whatever doesn't sell to list on ebay.

- Take pictures for OOTD on fatshionista. I have cute things, I look cute, hell, sometimes downright sexy, a lot of the time...why not share and also get advice - esp on accessories. I am not good with that part. I have the same necklace, earring, ring combo that i wear EVERY day.

- Stop drinking so damn much. Put aside TWO nights per week MAX that I can drink. The rest of the time - WATER. It's GOOD for me and will help me not to be so...naughty ;)

- Eat out only TWO TIMES PER WEEK! 1 time with mom on Sundays and another at my discretion.

weigh-in, goals, to do, weight loss

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