state of the family

Apr 03, 2008 22:16

Liza is now nine. God, how did that go by so fast? To commemorate, she got seven stitches in her foot last night. Apparently, when Mommy told the demons to stay out of the office because there are things in there they can get hurt on - she really meant it.

We bought a house! It's big and comfy and omg all ours! No mom, no annoying ex hubby - bliss. Closing is sometime around the end of april.

I'm going to be in DC all next week - hanging out with the Army boys at the big army aviation show. woohoo, let me contain my excitement. Only bonus is that this show usually has the best toys, plus I'll be home in time for Friday's ep of BSG - thank god.

Divorce looks like it might actually happen sometime this year - possibly around august or sept, depending on when the state gets done with dealing with the contempt summons that dipshit's under. He blew off court completely, I guess he figured he was too good to show up or something. Whatever, I just want it done.
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