2009 can kiss my rear end on the way out...

Dec 31, 2009 15:17

You know how you ask someone to do a favor for you; like a really important favor.  And they are like sure, I can help.  Well, I just got screwed by that.

This is how the conversation went:

Me:  Loved One (I shall leave their name off to protect them).

Loved ONE (aka Big Dufus):  Yes.

Me:  Can you do me a really important favor?

Big Dufus:  Sure.

Me:  It's imporant.

Big Dufus:  I got this.

Me:  Good, thank you...this means so much.  You need to get this done by Thursday night before 3:00...if you wait until the last minute it will be bad.

Big Dufus:  I will do it before then.  Serious.

Me:  I love you.  Thank you so much.  This helps me out so much.

Big Dufus:  I love you too.  I will take care of it.

Big Dufus didn't take care of it until the last minute; and now, I am screwed.  Because something went wrong, like it always does.  If Big D had done it earlier, then things would have been different.

This is a story as old as time.  But the story has a happy ending...because as of 3:03 pm, Baby Sister comes to my rescue.

OH, and the boy situation is so...whatever.

Here are some bullet points of said situation:

- I like/have crush on guy.
 - It snuck up on me.
 - I think he might feel the same.
 - He then acts like a punk.
 - So, I think he only wants to be friends.
 - Its not a good feeling.
 - But I am not sure.
 - He is just confusing me.

So, the second choice guy is going out with me tonight.  I wish it were the first choice guy.  He makes my heart beat a little faster.  Second choice guy just makes me want to take a nap.  I will still have fun.

heart, naps, dufus

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