Jul 27, 2004 22:07
I realize every time I use this journal that it has been an incredibly long time since the last post. While not impossible, it is wasteful to think that I could possibly recount all the things I have done as of late. The most important thing right now for me is that I am attending Western Michigan University in the fall. I leave at the end of August. I just finished two summer classes that I enrolled in to bolster my transferring credits. In my mind there are a lot of thoughts going on. There are so many that I have reached an equilibrium where I just don't care. Mentally I am in a funk. Life goes on and I am also. I am looking forward to WMU to see if I can find a niche. Even if I don't it will be business as usual. There are a handful of personal matters that bug the hell out of me. But they are like the lower back pain I have that reoccurs from an accident I had in the Geo. Something brings an issue up and it festers a bit. Then it goes away very quickly again. There isn't anything for me to complain about and that is good on some level. As for an update on the female front which is a reoccurring item going back to my first entries, there isn't any. I don't worry about theories or reasons why I am single. I don't devout that much energy to think about it in deep terms or get angry about why it is anymore. The simple fact is that I am lonely. I don't have someone to take to the movies, dinner, or other simple outings. I am just plain lonely. No more complaining. Anyway I hope this update has been as eventful for the reader as it has been for me to author it. I wonder if anyone even reads it anymore? Either way, enjoy. *Over And Out*