what a silly question. of course you did.
so yeah, it's me, angus. i haven't been doing all that much. hot weather is bad if you have a fur coat, you know? last week, i was at my grandmother's, where a bunch of old people came up to me and called me a girl! it was humiliating! i'm not a girl! i'm the manliest dog there ever was or will be!
the ice cream truck just went by here. i HATE the ice cream truck! whenever it comes, i howl at it, because the stupid song it plays hurts my ears. it's not fair!
oh, also, mill helped me redo my layout. i did MOST of the work...but she did a few things. eh. she's moderately useful. she dropped some cheerio's for me today, so that was nice of her.
to wrap up this delightful entry, here is a quiz:
I tashte like Alcohol.
Heh. Heh. I taste like beer. I like beer. Buy me a beer. I'm not drunk, I can drink plenty without... What was I saying? Beer.
What Flavour Are You?
I taste like Nuclear Waste. Delicious.
Tasting like nuclear waste is a good thing - nothing bites me, nothing eats me, few things even touch me. I appreciate the solitude my harsh exterior brings.
What Flavour Are You?