Jun 26, 2005 20:01
in the beginning there was dog...and it was good...and dog created the world in about 6 days, then took a paws, and it was good...and dog created other dogs...and it was good...did i tell you that it was good yet? 'cause it was...and then kibble rained out of the sky...40 days and 40 nights of kibble...but it was good...yay, though i walk through the valley of kibble, i shall scare no weasels...anyhow, it is so hot in this house...and i'm bored...and everyone else is being lazy...and the goddam birds are singing...what's up with that? and the kids are playing outside, making noise...which makes me want to bark, but it is too goddam hot...i think i'll go back to spreading the word...'cause it was good...