Wish I had thought of this

Aug 31, 2008 21:06

Saw this on Engadget and wished I had thought of it too:

Top Ten D700 features requested of The Mind of Minolta, er, Cranium of Canon, I mean... Noggin of Nikon:

10. Gapless microlenses to consist of even higher quality bubble wrap.

9. 'Red eye reduction' pre-flash should double as nifty non-lethal crowd/riot control feature.

8. In spite of inertial considerations must maintain frame rate at a sprightly 5,000 FPS (6,200 with optional grip).

7. Pentaprism should conform 1:1 to proven 'Cheops' optical dimensions.

6. Must include GPS geo-tagging feature for new easily misplaced 'pico-SD' memory cards.

5. Marketing's must adopt catch phrase: "This thing bitch slaps Fuji--big time."

4. New in-camera image stabilization must pass stringent 'rabid weasel-in-photographer's-shorts' test.

3. Logical sensor progression: APC > Full Frame > Hubble > Hypercollosal mega-sensor the size of our sun > D700-x.

2. Camera's light gathering ability should be enhanced by self-sustaining black hole (optional tera-meter cable release required to avoid potential event horizon hi-jinks.)

1. Camera's 'buzz' must finally change photographer's age-old mantra of "F8 and be there" to "F' it--come to Papa!"

Above quoted from user Stem $ell


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