Title: Go to the Hardware Store
Genre: Horror/Gore
Rating: M
Summary: Just, please, staple your lips together.
Word Count: 188 [Draft: 112]
Oh, this is a new one! Yay! Wow, I haven't written a poem for the longest time when I did this. I felt rusty.
This was inspired when my principal literally told us, staple your lips together. Basically, what she told us was incorporated in this poem. Added with a humble amount of morbidness everywhere.
[The Final Version]
Won't you just grab your stapler
Hold it against your mouth
Watch as it chokes your words
And holds your-blacksosoblack-soul in
You know nothing wrong
Yet your words mangle and twist
Too bitter, too cold, how disgusting
(Like your dog, perhaps, lathered in butter)
You must be brought up with imps
Cute little things who do not know what they are
Giggling, smiling, playing, breaking
Like a pretty, pretty flower that eats you alive
You paint your soul with beautiful shades of green
But you must be colorblind, must not see
For beauty does not matter, makes no difference
With a bastard's burnt face
Your soul seeps out of your tongue
Like smoke, white mixing with black mixing with gray
Perhaps you're the factory taking over the air
But you are much prettier, much more skewed
So would you please give me your stapler
Let me bind your pale lips together
Watch as your insides run freely down your chin
Watch as it taints only you and only your layers
(Darling, please, come here, don't be afraid,
Just staple your lips together like a sweet child.)
[The Draft]
Staple your lips together, love
Let not a word be uttered
A word so vile nor a word so sharp
Let no false apology linger in your tongue
Staple your lips together, love
So black smoke cannot escape
The taints your eyes choose to overlook
The beautiful blots painting your soul
Staple your lips together, love
For your mind is skewed, you judgment impaired
And if so you do not know villainy from virtue
How can your blackened hands wash your heart?
Staple your lips together, love
And let your blood run freely down your chin
Watch as it taints your clothes and skin
And you can no longer hurt anyone else