Aug 20, 2004 23:47
last kiss:brad
last good cry: tonight
last library book checked out: don't even remember
last movie seen: kill bill volume 2
last book read: Match MAde in Heaven
last cuss word uttered: shit
last beverage drank: mocha ice coffee
last food consumed: dinner my mom made
last phone call: brad
last tv show watched: friends
last time showered: this afternoon
last shoes worn: white flip flops
last cd played: ashlee simpson
last item bought: ashlee simpson cd
last thing downloaded: can't remember
last annoyance: not sure
last disappointment: being in a realtionship
last soda drank: diet coke
last thing written: message to ryan
last word spoken: away
last sleep: this afternoon i took a nap
last sexual fantasy: i had a dream with patrick from road rules..i lov ehim!
last weird encounter: dono
last ice cream eaten: long time ago at dq
last time amused: last night with anna lindsey and jen..
last time wanting to die: long time ago..
last time hugged: a couple days ago
last time scolded: not sure
last time resentful: dono about that
last chair sat in: computer chair
last lipstick used: chapstick
last underwear worn: the pair i have on now
last bra worn: white bra
last shirt worn: pink up shirt with the "a" on it
last time dancing: like a week ago in the shower!! haha
last poster looked at: poster at this coffee house tonight
last show attended: tonight..vaso's show at the coffee house in crown point
last webpage visited: livejournal
1 DAY AGO: hung out with anna lindsey and jen!*fun times*
1 WEEK AGO: i was thinking about how summer is coming to an end so fast
1 YEAR AGO: i was really mixed up in life
What do you most like about your body?: i like my hair and feet
And least: hands
How many fillings do you have?: just one
Do you think you're good looking?: i can be, when i want to be
Do other people often tell you that you're good looking?: i guess so
Do you look like any celebrities?: people tell me to olsen twins
What's your favorite cheese? american
How long do you hold onto odd socks before giving up on finding their mate? i can't fold socks..its too hard for me
Who was your favorite musical artist when you were 15? too many
Two scoops: of what
What's your earliest memory? moving to indiana from chi town
When does your pet look funniest? buster always looks funny!
What do you collect? belts purses and shoes ..or it seems that way
What's better than sex? hm thats hard! haha
What things are you brand-loyal to?
Favorite Dr. Seuss book? green eggs and ham
Best meal you've had lately? biscuts and gravy from sams golden cafe..yum
Peanut Butter and ________? jelly
Who's your favorite poet? don't have one
Where are you going on vacation this year? maybe florida again for spring break
Whaddya drive? 99' plymoth neon baby
Five details about you...
1. i want to be a thearpist
2. i'm usually a nice person
3. i love miniature dachshunds!!
4.i can't stop tanning or drinking diet coke!
5. hollister and abercromibe...i love...
Five details about your appearance right now...
1. i'm really comfy in my sweats
2. hair pulled back
3. i have my pink slippers on
4. kinda upset and confused
5. but anxious at the same time...
Five things you did today
1. went to eat with brad and natalie
2. took a nap
3. had dinner with my parents and brad
4. went to vaso's show
5. came home early from gabes
Five things that make you happy...
1. bradley
2. friends and family
3. being tan
4. christmas time
5. nice people
Five things that disgust you:
Five things you can't live without...
1. diet coke
2. the sun or tanning beds
3. brad
4. friends and fam
5. my car and cell phone
Five things you'll do when you complete this...
1. talk to brad before bed
2. lay down in bed
3. sleep
4. sleep
5. sleep
Five things you feel right now...
1. cramps suck
2. my back hurts
3. bored
4. tired but yet not tired
5. cole
Name: angie
Birthday: 10.10.87
Birthplace: chicago
Hometown: valpo
Living Now: valpo
=Do I=
Do drugs?: smoke once in awhile
Have sex?: go figure
Give oral sex?: hey, thats personal stuff
Receive oral sex?: alllllll the time...hahah yea right!
Have a dream that keeps coming back?: not sure
Believe there is life on other planets?: yes
Still love him/her?: sure do
Read the newspaper?: sometimes if its laying out on the table and something catches my eye
Have any gay or lesbian friends?: i don't think i do....??
Believe in miracles?: they are possible
Believe it's possible to remain faithful forever?: yes, thats what love is about man
Consider yourself tolerant of others?: yes
Consider love a mistake?: there are no mistakes, there are always lessons to be learned!
Have a favorite candy?: the blue skittles
Believe in astrology?: yes
Believe in magic?: witches?
Believe in god?: yes
Have any pets: 1 cat 1 dog 1 bird
Do well in school?: yea
Wear hats?: CUB HATS!
Have any piercings?: 3 ears and belly
Have any tattoos?: no
Hate yourself?: no
Have an obsession?: tanning...yikes
Have a secret crush?: no
Collect anything?: shoes belts purses
Have a best friend?: yes
Close friends?: yes
Wish on stars?: once in awhile if i'm looking at them
Like your handwriting?: its not too bad
Care about looks?: i can..but not all the time
=Love life=
First crush: prob kyle bonta
Single or attached?: attached
Ever been in love?: yes
Do you believe in love at first sight?: i believe of physical attraction which makes you feel like love at first sight..if that makes sense
Do you believe in "the one?": yes
Describe your ideal significant other- blonde/light brown hair,hazel eyes,about 5"11,last name dryer<3
=Juicy stuff=
Have you ever played a game that required removal of clothing?: actually no
Have you ever been intoxicated?: who hasn't! many good times i might add
Favorite place to be kissed?: neck
Shy to make the first move?: nah
=Are you a=
Wuss: yea
Druggy: no
Daydreamer: yes
Freak: no
Dork: i can be
Bitch/Asshole: we all have our bad days..but normally no
Brat: no
Sarcastic:once in awhile
Angel: no
Devil: no
Shy: sometimes
Talkative: usually saying something
Adventurous: sometimes
Joker:i can be taht
Flirty: eh no
-- Your most overused phrase: dono
-- Your thoughts first waking up: food
-- Your best physical feature: hairrrr
-- Your bedtime: whenever i'm ready to sleep
-- Your most missed memory: being carefree
-- Pepsi or Coke: coke
-- McDonald's or Burger King: McDonalds
-- Single or Relationship: well since i'm in a relationship i'll pick that
-- Adidas or Nike: nike
-- Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: lipton
-- Chocolate or vanilla: vanilla
-- Cappuccino or coffee: cold mocha neither
-- smoke:no
-- Cuss: sometimes but not alot
-- Sing: i love singing!
-- Take a shower everyday: yes
-- Have a crush(es): i have a boyfriend
-- Want to go to college?: of course..purdue!
-- Like high school: its alright
-- Want to get married:yes
-- Believe in yourself: yea
-- Get motion sickness: no
-- Think you're attractive: sure why not
-- Think you're a health freak: sometimes i can be
-- Get along with your parents: most of the time
-- Like thunderstorms: eh not really, but lately they haven't bothered me as much
In the past month...
-- Made Out: yes haha who says made out anymore?
-- Gone on a date: yes
-- Gone to the mall?: yes
-- Eaten an entire box of Oreos: no
-- Eaten sushi: no
-- Been on stage: no
-- Gone skating: no
-- Made homemade cookies: yes
-- Gone skinny dipping: no
-- Dyed your hair: no
-- Stolen anything: no
-- Been caught "doing something": haha um...
-- Been called a tease: i don't think so
-- Gotten beaten up: no
-- Shoplifted: nah
In a person
-- Best eye color? hazel/green
-- Best hair color? light brown
-- Short or long hair? short
-- Height: around 6'0
-- Best weight: 160
-- Best articles of clothing: PREPPY CLOTHES!!!!
-- Best first date location: anywhere orignal
-- Best first kiss location: anywhere!
-- Number of people I could trust with my life:that is an intresting question
-- Number of CDs that I own: alot
-- Number of piercing:3
-- Number of tattoos: 0
-- Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper?: never!
-- Number of scars on my body: 2 maybe?