
Sep 05, 2005 00:00

Well, luffies, here's another post by the one and only Bella!

I have been tagged, so I shall adress this issue first: "Make a list of things you enjoy, post it, and then tag five friends and ask them to post theirs."

1. Friends. I know everyone has put this, but bah, how can you not like your friends? You guys are always there for me and I love you (in a super non-sexual kind of way, as Danielle likes to clarify)all. You guys are awesome and I don't know what I'd do without you.
2. Talking to my parents. It's weird how at my age everyone is supposed to have this god-awful relationship with their parents, but I don't. I mean, I can tell them stuff and we have our fights... more often than usual, but I still enjoy talking to them, if only to get them off of my back, but it's still enjoyable. My mom's funny with her English and just overall. I suppose it's cuz they're treating me as an older person. Like they're not afraid to tell me dirty jokes and crap.
3. The arts- writing, music, drawing... acting too. You guys know that that's really my passion... the arts. I mean, many of you might not know that I enjoy acting too and I'm not really that bad at it either, but I do. It's fun for me and I have a talent, which I won't deny because there's no use. It's always nice to just get an idea down on paper in words and then share it with others. It makes me happy. Or if I'm sad or something, or extremely happy, I play music and just express my emotions through it... or I draw something that comes to mind or just pretend to be someone who I'm not.
4. Literature. Reading... hmm it's a good way to escape when you're having a bad day... just engross yourself in a nice book, or even when you're having a good day. It's just relaxing and fun.
5. Hanging around 12 Corners. Okay, it makes me feel cool, now shut up.
6. Singing RENT. yum yum fun!
7. Teh computer. I spend waaay too much time on it! Like IMing and playing The Sims 2 or Neverwinter Nights. It's fun, okay? Label me as a geek if you wish, but I will stand by this statement! Come on, you know you like the computer too!

And I tag...
Danielle 1. danielle34
Keavy 2. thekeevster
Kelly 3. bishoujo87
David 4. fathairyape
Tom 5. captainedible

Anyway, Mary and I rock. We went to Rite Aid the other day and bought a 3 liter thing of Root Beer and a can of Pringles Sour Cream and Onion and went and sat in the bus stop thingy at around 8:30, chuging the Root Beer and eating the Pringles and talking really really loud.
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