Nov 09, 2004 10:41
Had to drag myself out of bed this morning for an early exam. Drove dreamily to uni with only one thing on my mind really... and that was finishing it as swift as I can and come home for some more sleep. Took me 45 mins to finish the damn paper.
Was the first one out the exam hall. I still dont understand how people take forever to answer exam questions. I mean its either you know it or you dont.. at any rate I did fairly well (meaning I'll just scrape through) considering the fact that I had never been to lectures throughout the entire semester.
I cant wait for my last paper, two more days and it will be all over. After that its party party party, travel travel, party party and travel travel travel. I was contemplating heading back home to Malaysia feeling kinda nostalgic; then theres sydney and korea and japan and taiwan and hong kong. SO many places to little time and so little money.
Being the procrastinator that I am I'll probably wait till the last day before I decide whether to head home and travel from there or travel direct from Melbourne. Oh yea and if I can afford it I wanna go to Maldives...
Money money, cant have enough of em...*yawn*