May 20, 2009 22:24
Currently munching down on a Turkey, Roast Beef, Ham, Colby Jack, and Provolone sub. Just finished making the first bong I've constructed since living back in Asheville. It's very refreshing to get back in to old hobbies. I wish I had more money to spend on it though, as it would have been much nicer and a lot more permanent. This one consists of an empty water bottle, a turkey baster, some aluminum foil, and some electrical tape. Not nearly as nice as any of my previous models, but it will have to do until I get some more funding to put towards making a good one. It's actually pretty decent for being a 20 minute bong (that of course is compared to the 3 to 4 DAY bongs that I used to make in Asheville). I wish I had more parts though, I kind of threw them all out when I moved here. I've always preferred bongs over bowls or joints just because they allow you to take a bigger hit and not cough. A vaporizer is of course the best, but I can't get one of those with my current financial situation. A good one will run about $400. I'm really starting to wish that Allen would have left his alembic bong at my house before I had moved, that way I could have kept it and had an AMAZING apparatus to smoke out of. Not to mention it would be a very impressive show piece for any like minded individual. Well, time to try out this new piece. I'll possibly come back later to write more, but I doubt it since it's late and I'm already tired. Good night