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May 11, 2009 20:05

Currently finding myself a bit bored due to the lack of workingness tonight. Sitting at the abode, looking for more Drum and Bass to download so I can try to work on some new tracks. The problem with my current musical setup is that I don't know a lot of my music that I have set aside for the mixing thing, but that will soon change. I'm making a major overhaul of my database of spinning music tonight by deleting the stuff that I won't spin with (the stuff that's either too slow, too stompy, or too ghetto-y), and leaving myself with just purely good music to work with. This will make it easier for me to know my music and easier for me to find tracks while I'm spinning because the list of songs will have decreased by more than half. Listening to one of the new CDs in an attempt to familiarize myself with the music, and it's working quite well as this CD is pretty good.

I also discovered something new the other day (a.k.a. - Last night around 10PM) that interests me. Well, allow me to rephrase that: I RE-discovered something and actually took an interest in it. It's the idea of these things called "Binaural Beats". I first heard about them back when I was dating Savannah (had no idea what they were called back then, though) after she had told me about these people who had found a way for people to experience different drugs just through sounds. Of course I thought this to be a load of bullshit, but upon further investigation, I have found that this really does have scientific backing. To elaborate: Binaural beats are also commonly referred to as "third beats". They are not actually beats, perse, but really a fake sound created by your mind through the differential of two existing sounds played on opposing stereo channels. For example, you put a tone on the left channel of a pair of headphones that is 100Hz and pulses at 100BPM, you then add another tone on the right channel that is 105Hz and pulses at 105BPM, your brain then creates a third sound that cannot be heard if the sounds are being played through mono headphones that is 5Hz and pulses at 5BPM. It's a wondrous thing, really. It just goes to show how powerful our minds really are. Anyway, on with how these "third beats" can affect our minds. Different sound frequencies affect our minds in different ways. Certain tones sound pleasant and others sound like a cacophonous racket. Well, the specific tones created by these third beats trigger different effects in the brain, like increased seratonin, dopemine, and enkephalin opiate levels (mood elevation and pain reduction), or can affect us completely differently and trigger effects very similar to that of things such as marijuana and LSD25. Sounds pretty nifty, eh? Well it is, because it really works. I downloaded the only CD that is majorly published with these specific tones thus far, and it really worked. Now, at the beginning of the CD, it does state that the effects will increase every time you listen to the CD and it begins to access Alpha and Theta brainwave responses more often, so I will have to try it a few more times to verify that, but I did feel a lot more relaxed, happier, and my headache went away (which you wouldn't expect from a CD of just pure rubbish sounds). I didn't experience any kind of hallucinations like you would expect from LSD25, but I did notice a change in perception like the early stages of a low dosage of the same drug, say about 1 hit or so about an hour and a half after first dosing. Tonight I will experiment with it a little more to see if I have an increased reaction to it now that I've used it before it.

Another thing I discovered last night, is that there is another company that use binaural beats to do pretty interesting stuff, namely accessing alpha, theta, and delta brain states with very little effort (not to mention, I fell asleep faster while listening to the CD). This specific company has somewhere around 30 CDs out with different purposes for each, the first in the series being "Lucid Dreaming and Trance Induction". It's very cool, really, because when I went to sleep while listening to the CD, I had far more control over my dreams than I normally would have and awoke still remembering them for about an hour. Tonight I will be trying the "Astral Induction and OBE" CD to see how that one fairs as I've always wanted to do Astral Projection, but I could never quite get to that state as I would always fall asleep before hand, but these are meant to work while you are sleeping since you have sounds and someone else's voice guiding you through it in your subconscious mind. I tried that one earlier today around 3PM, dozed off for a bit, came to again and felt myself feeling so light and relaxed, it kind of felt like I was floating in water, but the waking up thing kind of jolted me too far out to fully get into the OBE, but I got VERY close to it at one point and started to feel myself leaving my body. The problem being that I then tried to force it and that's when I lost it, should have just let it happen on its own.

Oh, and on Thursday when I get paid, I'm buying myself some new computer parts as a gift for working so hard these past two weeks =P Buying a new motherboard and some RAM so I can be prepared for the processor and video card upgrades that will be coming soon. I've currently only got 1GB of RAM, which is nowhere near enough.

Anyway, that's the gist of my day. Going to get back to analyzing my files and condensing the music database now. Farewell =P
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