Fandom snowflake challenge - Day 1 - self-reccing!

Jan 02, 2012 16:38

Fanworks I am proud of creating:

  • EVP: Supernatural Fic Podcast
    I put this together back in 2006, organising and editing together an issue every fortnight for a handful of months. In hindsight, whoa. (I was writing a thesis, running a wiki, vidding and writing at the same time.) That was fun. Wish I had the energy to do something like that again!
  • SupernaturalWiki
    missyjack basically runs this now, I still host it and am so proud of how far it's come since I set it up. The wiki gets over 300K visitors per month, at about a 50/50 split of new and regular visitors, and has over 2000 articles. And no wank! It's a pretty damn awesome community and site.
  • Firefly fic: Stroke of Luck
    I still love this epic Jayne/Simon AU I wrote. In hindsight, I cringe a bit that I didn't even have it beta read, but I still have a great fondness for and proudness of it.
  • Merlin fic: Along a Wandering Wind
    The longest thing I've every written, and I think I worked harder on this fic than any other I've ever written. At this point in time, it's definitely my favourite of all my fanworks.
  • Torchwood fic: We Happy Few
    The second-longest thing I've written, that also had a lot of hard work go into it. It was so satisfying to write this - the culmination of a million shit-talking story-telling conversations had with friends about the adorable ridiculousness of team Torchwood.
  • Torchwood/pulp novel mashup fanart
    I love making fanart, I don't do enough of it. These still make me so happy to look at, and make me pine for doing more art like this.

(FYI: Day 1 Snowflake Challenge)

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fic: writing, meme: snowflake, meme

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