How delicious!

May 04, 2011 21:06

Social Mediæ has had nearly 700 hits on the AO3 in the 3 days since I posted it, which is over what my next most popular Merlin story has had in nearly 2 months. Hah!

But, I have much glee over people loving puns as much as I do.

If you see it recced around, can you let me know? I'm assuming it is in at least one place, as the count is steadily climbing with each refresh.

I like to keep track of such things (and of course, they give me extra glee to read!)

In other news, I am working on re-writing the Epic Romance with beta feedback. WHEE.

And working on a gwaine_quest story.

And, you know that bit in the S3 finale where Gwen says, "My mother was a maid in Sir Leon's household, we practically grew up together"?

WHY THE HELL ISN'T THERE ALREADY FIC ABOUT THIS? Because that was totally not the first time she made him wear a dress. (MAYBE I'LL JUST HAVE TO WRITE IT MYSELF, THEN.)

Also, for the first time ever while I'm in a fandom, I'm deliberately spoiling myself, and ooooh, it's fun! I think that the best way for me to enjoy Merlin is to know as much about it beforehand, or you know, have watched it beforehand, so I'm not in a constant state of tension over impending fail.

This entry crossposted from, where there are
. All comments posted here will be archived on the dreamwidth entry also.

fic: writing, tv: merlin

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