I has a Dreamwidth account!
http://hope.dreamwidth.org/ Nothing there just yet... I am still lying in bed, to be honest :D
If your username has changed between here and there, tell me??
OMG YOU GUYS MY USERNAME IS HOPE! It feels simultaneously WEIRD - like putting on a new pair of shoes after being comfortable in the last pair for the past 7 years - but also REALLY AWESOME, like THESE SHOES ARE FUCKING ACE AND THEY LOOK FABULOUS ON ME!
I also want to say here that as of this moment I am not up and leaving this livejournal by any means. The same reasons for my sticking around here during strikethrough etc still stand - All my friends are here! So why, you may ask in wounded bewilderment, are you going to dreamwidth NOW?
2 reasons, my friends:
1) I am in this for the long term. Dreamwidth is in this for the long term. As with most aspects of my life, if I can go for the most sustainable and ethically sound option, I will.
2) Dreamwidth is being made (MADE) for people like me who don't want to leave their flist behind. Keeping friends from LJ and letting them keep you, flocked or not, is being hardwired into the Dw code.
In summary: I am not abandoning or disappearing. Next time you see me I may just look a little taller because I have NEW SHOOOOOOOES!*
ETA 2: * by which I mean to say, my migration process will be a gradual one, it's not easy leaving angstslashhope.livejournal.com after 7 years by any means; you'll get a lot more warning if/when I ever stop posting here.