Well, that jossed my plotbunny for a Mitchell/George origins story. Hmph.
In other news, I love Annie a lot. And these last couple of episodes really made me happy. George makes Mitchell a more compelling character x a million. Also quite like Nina as well, though I sort of just want her to be their snarky teammate as well and for George to be pretty much openly utterly infatuated with Mitchell. Well, I mean, *more* openly utterly infatuated with Mitchell. And perhaps that priest. He should stick around too.
I just have one question. If Bristol is vampire HQ, why the hell did Mitch decide it was a good idea to settle down there to live his muggle life??
Speaking of muggles: WIZARD, LOL.
Can't wait for the next season. Oh, oh, wait for it............ yup, already got an Annie/Nina post-s1 plotbunnie. IDK why, I'm all about the femslash, lately.
PS. I would like an OT3 icon that says "world's gayest ninjas".