Bookmarks for 14 October - 5 November

Nov 05, 2008 10:50

Fandom (Torchwood, Doctor Who, Merlin, Supernatural)

misswinterhill: Gifts (Torchwood, Jack/Ianto, Tosh)
[ torchwood, fanfiction, slash ]

sharpest_rose (& angstslashhope): Spruce Moose (Torchwood crack)
[ torchwood, fanfiction ]

pun: Unusual (Torchwood, Jack/Ianto)
[ torchwood, slash, fanfiction ]

dsudis: Get Loved, Make More, Try to Stay Alive (Torchwood, Jack/Ianto)
[ torchwood, slash, fanfiction ]

ninjasnano: Kingdom of Air (Torchwood, team, year-that-wasn't/himalayas)
[ torchwood, fanfiction ]

jo19844-twfic: Taking advice from owen (Torchwood, IM, Owen & Ianto, Jack/Ianto)
[ torchwood, fanfiction, slash ]

sam_storyteller: Not What You're Thinking(Torchwood, Jack/Ianto, PG-13)
[ torchwood, fanfiction, slash ]

paperclipbitch: "Could've Been Anyone" (Torchwood, Ianto-centric mainly gen)
[ torchwood, fanfiction ]

timetraveled: cutting in (Torchwood, Jack/Ianto)
[ torchwood, fanfiction, slash ]

rivier: "Five Dates That Aren't" (Torchwood, Jack/Ianto)
[ torchwood, fanfiction ]

rivier: Cavitation (Torchwood, Ianto, Owen)
[ torchwood, fanfiction ]

misswinterhill: Non Linear (Torchwood/Doctor Who, futurefic, Jack/Ianto, Doctor, Boe)
[ torchwood, doctor-who, fanfiction, slash ]

adina-atl: Geek Gifts (Torchwood, Tosh, Ianto)
[ torchwood, fanfiction ]

Doctor Who comic: "Time of my life" (Doctor & Donna)
[ doctor-who ]

Perseverance (Torchwood/Doctor Who)
Five ways Jack and Ianto didn't quite have a threesome with the Doctor.
[ torchwood, fanfiction, slash, doctor-who ]

ceefax_the_sane: Partners and Parents (Torchwood, AU, kidfic)
[ torchwood, fanfiction ]

smirnoffmule: He's not an alien, he's a gaylien | Pics from The Hub convention
[ torchwood ]

obsessive24: "OMG!" - Doctor Who/Torchwood (Vid)
[ torchwood, doctor-who, vid ]

UFO sightings over Wales reported after mystery craft scared cops in chopper |
[ torchwood ]

giddygeek: Misfiled Under Harmless (Torchwood, team, Jack/Ianto)
[ torchwood, fanfiction, slash ]

sam_storyteller: Five Stories Sam Won't Write And One He Did By Accident (#6 in particular, Torchwood)
[ torchwood, fanfiction, doctor-who ]

sam_storyteller: The Theory of Two Centres (Torchwood, Jack/Ianto)
[ torchwood, fanfiction, slash ]

sam_storyteller: Compromise (Torchwood, post-Countrycide, PG)
[ torchwood, fanfiction, slash ]

strangecreature: And Here We Survive (Torchwood, post-S2)
[ torchwood, fanfiction ]

hector_rashbaum: Finishing (Torchwood, Owen)
[ torchwood, fanfiction ]

clarity_lore: The Need (Torchwood, Jack/Ianto)
[ torchwood, fanfiction, slash ]

clarity_lore: Agent Eight (Torchwood/Doctor Who, AU, Ianto)
[ torchwood, doctor-who, fanfiction ]

gersteakknife: Le Voyageur Et Son Guide (Et L’Homme Qui A Été Laissé Derrière) (Torchwood/Who, Ten/Ianto, Jack/Ianto)
[ torchwood, doctor-who, fanfiction, slash ]

xtricks: Possibilities (Torchwood, Ianto/Jack (adult))
[ torchwood, fanfiction, slash ]

janne-d: And None But We Can Be Such Kings (Merlin, Merlin/Arthur)
[ merlin, fanfiction, slash ]

imperfectcircle: And Still (Merlin, Arthur/Merlin)
[ merlin, fanfiction, slash ]

derryderrydown: Droit de Seigneur (Merlin, Arthur/Merlin)
[ merlin, fanfiction, slash ]

vito_excalibur: Alters #6: Supernatural (fanart)
[ supernatural, fanart ]

Otherwise Entertaining, Pretty or Clever

[ animals, video, photography ]

Cute Overload! | Hen incubating puppeh
[ animals ]

PHOTOS: Best Microscopic Images of 2008 Announced
[ photography ]

One million freely licensed photos of the British Isles - Boing Boing
[ photography ]

Kitchen utensils and cookware transformed into skull - Boing Boing
[ art ]

The 7 Types of Pet Costumes | Cute Overload
[ animals ]

Criggo | Amusing things found in newspapers
[ blog ]

Infectious | Adhesive Art | Laptops, Cars, Walls
[ art, design ]

ELECTION DAY 08 - What One Word Describes Your Current State of Mind? - Interactive Feature -
[ shiny ]

Email error on road sign (Welsh) | Boing Boing
[ recommended-reading ]

It's Lovely! I'll Take It!: Sold! I can't wait to move in.
[ shiny ]

Otto the octopus wreaks havoc - Telegraph
[ animals, recommended-reading ]


A List Apart: Articles: Progressive Enhancement with CSS
[ design, css ]

USB flash drive skull ring - Boing Boing
[ shiny, jewelry, hardware ]

DIY Plant Twitter Kit - Internet-Enable your Houseplant | ThinkGeek
[ shiny ]

Photojojo’s Ultimate Guide to Taking Portraits at Night
[ photography ]

25 Hot Female Web Designers - Freelance Web Design Belfast Northern Ireland Lee Munroe
[ design ]

Featured Mac Download: Artsy Up Your Pictures with Poladroid | Lifehacker
[ tools, mac ]

Featured Firefox Extension: GPhotospace Uses Your Gmail Account for Photo Storage and Sharing
[ tools ]

Gadget Management: MyThings Keeps Your Gear Organized | Lifehacker
[ tools ]

Android: A Hands-on First Look at Google Android | Lifehacker
[ smart-phone, android ]

ITunes: iTunes 8 Makes It Easy to Convert Any File to an Audiobook | Lifehacker
[ tools, mac ]

tv: torchwood, tv: merlin, bookmarks, link, tv: doctor who, tv: supernatural, rec

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