Fannish wish list

Jul 19, 2007 12:03

These are not things I want from other people, they are things that I want to do myself. I keep on getting fabulous ideas, but motivation and inspiration is at a low point. So I will just air my wishful thinking.

I would like to...

  • Re-watch Deadwood, write an immortal!Bobby SPN crossover.
  • Re-watch Carnivale (complete with second season, which I haven't seen) and write a SPN crossover.
  • Make my Season 2 recap vid (a la Sweetest Perfection) to Apocalyptica's cover of Schism)
  • Write Sam/Dean. I REALLY WANT TO.
  • Huge number of other vids I have perfect songs for.
  • poorboyshuffle challenge fic(s).

Things I've already started, that I'd like to finish...

  • Finish the story I'm working on in the Tiber/Field of Mars 'verse.
  • Finish the coda to 'little rattle stilt'
  • Finish that story where Sammy really is a cuckoo-egged Demon spawn - complete with horns and cloven hoofs, which sprout at age 2.
  • 'We Both Reached for the Gun' Colt vid.
  • Redesign of the Super-wiki.
  • John/Dean bodyswap story.
  • spnfic-podcast.
  • preseries-zine.

Oooh bummer. I just discovered JB HiFi (Australian discount DVD store) have an online store. With cheap DVDs. And cheap shipping within Australia (and cheap intl shipping too, I must say). And a really cool interface that allows you to have a wishlist etc too.

And, um, I might just have purchased Seasons 1 & 2 of Carnivale, and Season 5 of Six Feet Under. I would have got Deadwood S3 as well, but it's still a bit pricey for me (even on special). ALSO I JUST SPENT $120 ON DVDS I NEED TO HIDE THE CREDIT CARD, NOW. O_O

fic, list, tv: supernatural

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