He's gotta be stinkin...

Nov 12, 2013 04:17

Sleepy Hollow I adore you in all your cheesy glory, really I do. But could you please let the man change his clothes??? Yeesh!

sleepy hollow

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Comments 6

tabaqui November 12 2013, 11:57:49 UTC
Noooooooooooo! He looks so adorable in them! Besides, he washes them and showers, he's fine!

*pets his spiffy, ratty frock coat*


a_phoenixdragon November 12 2013, 15:12:45 UTC
Dammit, I love it!! And you know he cleans them....and showers...and unngghhh - love Crane's look!



kazzy_cee November 12 2013, 19:44:07 UTC
LOL!!! My thoughts entirely!!! :)


write_light November 12 2013, 20:06:59 UTC
LOL Hubby said the same thing - why not take him shopping? (and I'm sure they will, and he'll be incisively witty and utterly charming and I'll LOL.)

BUT NOOOOOO I LOVE THAT LOOK. I kind of want to cosplay him.


altyronsmaker November 12 2013, 20:39:27 UTC
"You PAID? for WATER? Why not get it out of one of the many thousand taps in this village? Or perhaps the lake?"

"My cousin Sam forgot to take his medication!"
"Hmph. I am the only one amongst you NOT in need of medication."

"So long as our endeavor does not require the internet, I am amenable." Bwahahah.

OHMYGOD, can I say how much I love this show?


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