My first 100 words for 2009. I will be working on Rosewood, and two other super sekrit plot bunnies that have been eating my brain for
findyourwords but when I haven't done that, there will be drabbles/drabblets. Here is the first.
Title: Promises Broken
Fandom: Supernatural
angstpuppyWordcount: 100
Pairing: ?
Rating: G
Warnings: None
Summary: Too short for one.
Sam knows he should keep his promise. Knows when he looks down at the baby in his arms and his wife, sleepy and smiling in her crisp hospital bed that the life he’s lived is one that they shouldn’t have to know. Werewolves, demons, vampires, all that goes bump in the night hasn’t stopped for one baby girl. Every evil thing still waits and it’s more important than ever to take down as many of them as he can. So he lays Mary back in Deanna’s arms and knows that he can’t keep the promise he made nine months ago.