(no subject)

Sep 03, 2008 23:01

 I suppose I have a good amount of time on my hands right now. And what do I do with that time? Bitch about politics. Not all the time of course, but considering we have about two months until we elect a new president, it's on my mind about now.
I'm not going to lie or pussy foot. I'm a stanch liberal with a deep hatred for out current President. And vice president; but that's more because of the soul-sucking look in his eyes in every photo. 
I have little against John McCain as a person. I believe that his stay in Vietnam and his devotion to his country are honorable. No one can take away or undermine the fact he loves his country. But really,it should go without saying that anyone with the willingness to become president of the United States loves their country. My most recent issue with Mr McCain is his choice of Palin as his vice president. If I was to be quite frank, it seems that he just pulled her out of his ass. She is what he is not: a woman and what I call an uber Republican. And really, McCain is not the picture of good health; if we were to elect him, he would be the oldest president ever. What if he dies? We'll have a Super-GOP with no experience. It's funny though. Roughly a month ago when Obama's camp had thrown around some names for possible Veepees, Tim Kaine's, the governor of Virginia, name came up. Karl Rove complained that Obama's choice for him would be ridiculous; Kaine had served as mayor of Richmond- the hundredth-some-odd populated city in the country (pop. 200,123 in city)  and said that he was as inexperienced as Obama. However, when Palin was named, Rove said that she was a fantastic choice- despite the well-known fact that the highest office she held was governor of Alaska, a state where the density is only 1 person per square mile.

I'm not sure how I feel. I know that my biggest problem about the Republicans is that their most basic ideas go against my own. 
I've never thought of the trickle-down theory as being effective. The idea is that if the upper class is given access to more funds, the wealth will eventually reach the lower class. That sickens me. I understand that we should value those who worked hard to gain what they have, but those people already have all they could want; why should the lower class be treated like second-class citizens. 
Bush has refused to acknowledge that we have global warming. I think we have enough proof. Palin, governor of Alaska, approves of drilling in ANWR. In all reality, there is hardly any oil up their to make any difference. Instead, if we were to drill, it would simply delay the production of newer energy sources. 
The No Child Left Behind Act seemed like it could have potential, but fails. In all actuality, it sways teachers to 'teach the test'. That is not how education should be accomplished. Same goes with the PATRIOT Act. This act, I feel, gives way to much power to the president. The act, in brief, says that the President can allow the wire-tapping of certain individuals. Under previous circumstances, the person looking for approval would have to go through the Courts. 
I believe a that Roe v. Wade should stand as is. Putting on my Constitution siting pants,
"No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law"
Why should any woman have her right to choose restricted by the government. It is wrong to think that all situations are the same. In that vein, why can't we have stem cell research? Why can't the traditional idea of marriage be changed? We're already shattering the traditions of the past when it comes to the elections. 
I could go on and on, but I don't really want to. 
"The Republican Party seems to care more about right to life policies than the economy"
Susan Eisenhower  
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