yesdrizella is trying to make me write Miz fic. I HATE THE MIZ.
In other news, I was remarking to YD that the fic ideas I get for wrestling now that I'm sort of back are remarkably more RPF-y in nature than I'm used to. Some may recall that I have Very Strong Feelings about the classification of my wrestlefics as NOT being RPF, and I always try to avoid using real names wherever possible. Obviously I don't have a problem with RPF; just look at the Pinto fics I've written. But wrestling is a strange creature, a spectrum of truth rather than the clear delineation that most shows enjoy. I told
yesdrizella that I don't think wrestling is any more kayfabe breaking than it used to be*, but then she rightfully pointed out that we're in the post-pipe bomb era. Punk broke the 4th wall pretty damn hard; there's no closing that door.
* I don't know why I said this when I was bitching with
one_more_cherry about this very subject not too long ago. -_-
But then I got to thinking some more, and it's more than that. I wrote TNA/indy stuff for the longest time. It might have been four (!) years since my retirement fic, but I stopped writing WWE stuff in 2003, ten years ago. (Not counting my two fluke Punk/Cena fics in '08 anyway.) My old WWE fics are... AUs and melodrama and a whole lot of me working out my RL angst. I became a different writer once I got into TNA. I stopped barfing my issues in fic form. Or, well, I got more subtle about it haha. I got a lot smarkier. I want to think that I became a more discerning writer, though an unhappier one. I mean, I was always a disgruntled jackass but I was a lot happier when I was writing E fic, I know that for sure. I fretted less.
Anyway. I've come full circle back to the WWE, and it's like coming back to an old playpen with a new pair of eyes, I guess. Bringing that fastidiousness that I'd honed writing indy fic. With the way the E plays more fast and loose with RL, I can't help but end up with ideas that more RPF-y.
I feel weird about it. And when I examine those feelings more closely, it's all rooted in writing indy fic. I've met and hung out with these people that I write slash about. It feels boundary-crossing to write anything that veers too close. I'm not friends with them, I don't claim to know them, but there was interaction on multiple occasions. On certain issues, I was emotionally involved and it got personal. So some lines had to be drawn.
But. I don't have this problem with anybody WWE-related. It still feels weird, because I've been so used to that mindset and personal stance. But I can roll with it now that I've articulated all this stuff.