Fannish Five, sort of

Nov 04, 2011 12:16

Fannish Five today is five minor or one-off characters that you'd like to see again, but I'm gonna hijack that a little bit to say what I'd really like is to see the Leverage crew deal with their collateral damage except that's never going to happen since it's too srs bizness and I believe JRog himself said that he's not gonna touch that with a ten foot pole though he will consider the idea of past burned villains to return. Actually, I'd like to see that happen for Burn Notice, too.

I'm the chick who loves mindless action but cringes every time some guy's store front gets smashed or some invisible character's car gets totaled.

BTW, without too much spoiling, it's one of the main unsettling points for me for this past mid-season BN finale, because you see Fiona getting upset over collateral damage but it's not like she, or Michael, ever gives two shits about all the other regular people they screw over for the sake of their sad client of the week. Same thing for Leverage. I don't like the implication both shows set forth, Leverage far more than Burn Notice, which is that you're fair game if you work for an evil corporation even if you're basically little more than a McDonald's cashier in the grand scheme of the structure. I know both shows are fun train shows, and I like them for fun train shows, but I have to admit that as time moves forward, I can't NOT think about these things, but I'm also inclined toward being nitpicky like that in the first place.

I mean, I'm still hung up on all the regular Jane and Joe employees of Bering Aerospace from the pilot of Leverage. In some ways, I find it ironic that Leverage provides a cathartic release in seeing rich powerful people get their comeuppance, unlike in real life where they just get more fat bonuses, but whenever they do take down an evil company and the rich powerful person gets their due, the little people of that company still fucking suffer for it. Bering Aerospace, for example, their stock crashes and we are to assume that company is basically as good as done for. That's a LOT of people getting laid off, and that's not getting into the ramifications of such a stock crash for what we assume to be a major tech company. And isn't that a sad statement? That even in an escapist fantasy like Leverage, where justice (or revenge) can happen, but still the effects of uprooting an established power structure will ruin regular lives. And IRL, that's the justification for keeping that power structure.

Well, this post got depressing pretty quickly. :(

meta, overthinking shit since 1995, twig derails the fun train, fannish 5, leverage, burn notice, srs biznes

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