something that long needed to be said

Oct 14, 2011 11:43

I don't understand why some people are so invested in determining certain female characters as being "weak" that they cannot accept any arguments about those characters' awesomeness. I can welcome the criticism, for example, that the writing is sexist and that the character, at the end of the day, is nothing more than a means to further a male character's emotional journey. That she does not have a storyline of her own. That she's only there for male titillation. Etc, etc. But that doesn't mean she can't still be awesome in some form or another. The work may not be feminist, the character may not be feminist, but my liking for her is not unfeminist. As long as I'm aware of the criticism, I don't see any wrong in saying "hey, she was kinda cool in that particular moment."

To me, I find it more telling to see a person absolutely unwilling to acknowledge any good moments in a "weak" female character's portrayal than it is of me for liking her.

i feel strongly about this, feminism you're doing it wrong

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