30 Days of TV

Jul 21, 2010 15:45

Day 12 - An episode you've watched more than 5 times

There are many many many episodes of many shows I've seen more than 5 times.

Day 13 - Favorite childhood show

Growing up in Hong Kong, I got a lot of Chinese-dubbed Japanese anime shows. Doraemon. Cat's Eye. Though my absolute utter favorite was City Hunter. I looooooooooooooooved City Hunter so fucking much.

Day 14 - Favorite male character

Oh, this is a hard one. My reflex answer is John Crichton from Farscape, with that answer being echoed by Richard Cypher from Legend of the Seeker, because they're very similar, cut from the same cloth. First and foremost, they're good characters. As in they're decent. There is a spring of decency and goodness in them, and though they are tried, bent, and broken, they still struggle to make the moral decision and not allow themselves the easy path even though that would be, well, easy. Their overwhelming respect for the women in their lives is wigglepants. It's not that either Crichton or Richard is flawless or that they're always right, because they're not, but that they try, and they keep trying. They aspire to be good in a corrupt, dark, and dangerous world.

The flipside runner-up is Jim Profit from Profit, who is wholly unique in the landscape of television. I don't think we'll ever see the likes of him again, tbh. Unabashedly sociopathic, and yet, he has standards. That's what I love about him. There are human emotions that he cannot feel, which enables him to do such crazy ass shit, but at the same time, he's utterly above petty jealousy and grudge holding. He will always give you a second chance if you truly repent.

Day 15 - Favorite female character

Like above, it'd be a tie between Aeryn Sun and Kahlan Amnell, cut from the same cloth of badass women who have been taught from a young age to observe duty above all else, but ever so slowly, they discover their heart. And duty doesn't make them cold bitches, while the discovery of their heart does not make them weak. The delicate balance is observed where both are badass without emulating men, and their essence as women are never forgotten. Their major difference is that Aeryn comes to reject the Peacekeeper way, whereas Kahlah fully embraces her identity as a Confessor. The latter case being something I LOVE. evilgmbethy and I discussed this before, where we love that Kahlan never rejects her powers or her duty. She hates that it keeps her from Richard, she wishes there was a way around it, but never does she wish her powers away. They are a part of her, they make her who she is, and while it is grave and difficult, she embraces it with dignity and poise.

Runner-up is Cara. It's amazing how much I grew to love her when I was so unsure of her introduction in the S1 finale. Cara is the character I never knew I wanted on TV, but there she is, and she is everything I could've wanted. In a lot of ways, my affection is that she is the female version of a character I have, one of my favorites, so it's like seeing my character come to life, but she's even more awesome than I ever could've imagined. I think the best thing about her is her utter disdain for men, even including Richard, haha.

Day 16 - Your guilty pleasure show

Not sure I really have one right now.

Day 17 - Favorite mini series

Probably Dune, which I've rewatched 2394728394 times. I love the plotting of it, the filming of it, the political intrigue. I think I loved it even more after I read the book, and omg, the book is really fucking boring, apologies to book fans, but it was dry as dust despite all the interesting concepts. The mini-series really breathed life into the ideas.

For the British side of things, definitely Pride and Prejudice, BBC version with Jennifer Ehle and Colin Firth. I don't think I have to explain this one. Runner-up is... the first series for Wire in the Blood, starring Robson Green. Honestly, I find the whole series to have taken a nose dive in the latter half of its run, particularly after Hermione Norris left. The best is still the very first series.

survey says, 30 days of television, tv, farscape, legend of the seeker, profit

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