I want hardcore pornography.

Oct 23, 2009 14:40

Somebody needs to write some epic porn for Sam and G. In some ways, Pinto has RUINED me, because there's been some motherfucking EPIC PORN for them. For Kirk/McCoy, too, for that matter. But mostly I remember the epic porn for Pinto, and GAH. How can other fandoms compete? ;_;

At least I'm not tempted to write anything. Which is always famous last words, I know. These guys are "undercover" agents, which is right up my alley, especially when they're lolariously unrealistic about it, thus saving me the trouble of having to be realistic in fic. But I don't know. I'm not sparked. Which is good, because I need to stay focused on Pinto. The response to "Gravity" is a lot better than I expected, for a 2nd person POV fic, and finishing it has made me look at my two AUs in progress. Poked at them a little, nothing substantial, but I feel a mild surge of motivation. I've got bunnies for The Mentalist though, too, that I wanna get a move on. As always, I wish I have more discipline where writing is concerned. Yeah, yeah, you have to PRACTICE. You don't spontaneously gain discipline. But, you know, writing is haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaard. Wah wah wah.

ncis: la, pinto, writing

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