interview meme answers

Jun 08, 2009 12:01

1) Would you ever consider moving from Vancouver, and if yes, where would you move to?

I bitch about the rain all the time, but I love this city. Its diversity, its retardedness. It doesn't take eight years on a freeway to get anywhere. The air is clean, the water is crisp, the view is always spectacular. I can't really imagine going anywhere. Like, it's possible to move further south along the coast. I've always said that I'd like to move to California, because if there's anything that'd make me move, it'd be for more sunshine. More and more, I find that I'm affected by weather. The sun does a LOT to cheer me up. I'd love to try living in Cali for a year or two, but I feel like I'm Canadian through and through, and Vancouver is my home.

2) If you could make one fantasy world real, which would it be and why?

Oh man. Hm. Fantasy is a pretty specific term, so I shall adhere to the word. The first thing that popped into my head is Legend of the Seeker, the TV show, not the book. Definitely not the books, haha. I like the idea of Seekers and Confessors. Though, god, real Confessors would be a pretty horrifying power. IDK, honestly, because I love fantasy worlds specifically because they're fantastical. They're very incompatible with this world. Plus fantasy is always feudal and backwards and lacking of technology. I like technology.

Okay, how about I just answer it this way: I want Richard Cypher to be real and in love with me, and I'll keep him around on a leash. How's that? :D

3) Marry, Shag, Cliff - the Chris edition: Christopher Daniels, Christopher Reeve, Christopher Pine


Okay. I would marry Daniels, fuck Pine, and sadly, Reeve will have to go over a cliff. But he's Superman, goddammit, so he's flying out of that shit. LALALALA I CAN'T HEAR YOU.

4) One show killed before its time can get a contract renewal, its old cast, and a sweet placement on HBO. Which would it be?

Damn. Damn. You'd think I'd say Profit, and I'm veering really fucking close to that answer, but in the last few years, I've really, just, grown so fond of the show as a closed arc. It wrapped so beautifully that I almost don't want it touched. LIKE A FRAGILE FLOWER. Every time I rewatch it, I ache for what could've been, but I'm always left with a sense of satisfaction, pure and true.

I almost want to say Smith, but it was only ever supposed to be a 12-ep show. So, like, in that sense, I wish Smith got the wrap it deserved, play out the arc it should've told, but then again, I kinda like where it ended as well, because at least it was semi-happy.

I'd say my final answer is a tie. Brimstone and Heist. The former got 13-eps, at least, thank god, but the places it could've gone. SO much potential left in the well. That's a show that could use a couple of years. Heist remains a thorn in my consciousness because it never got ANY fucking resolution in ANY way. At least most of the shows that got canned on me had some form of wrap. There was NOTHING for Heist. It STILL upsets me. That's a show that could use the sweet HBO money.

5) Quote me YOUR favorite line of poetry!

Down, down, down into the darkness of the grave
Gently they go, the beautiful, the tender, the kind;
Quietly they go, the intelligent, the witty, the brave.
I know. But I do not approve. And I am not resigned.
- "Dirge Without Music," Edna St. Vincent Millay

1: Since you've been asking everyone else: Marry/shag/kill: Statham, Pine, Simon Baker.

I only have myself to blame for this dilemma! Hmmmmmmmm.

Marry: Simon Baker. Dude is so devoted to his wife omg. It's dreamy.
Shag: Chris Pine. Hello, hotness! :D
Cliff: Jason Statham. He's Jason fucking Statham. He'd survive the fall.

2: You've been kidnapped! Held for ransome! And there's only one person who can save you! Do you pick: Jack Bauer, Michael Westen, or Tony "Iron Man" Stark to pulverize your captor while saving, or shall you save yourself?

LOL oh man. You know, Jack Bauer may be hardcore, but I'm going to pick Michael Westen. Because Jack is TOO hardcore. Michael would save me, using thermite, duct tape, and a whole lot of style. AND he would look happy to have helped at the end and might even accept a hug from me. Jack would just zoom off to another terrorist threat. Haha, Tony Stark doesn't even enter the equation.

3: Rec me some LOTS eps? I'm curious but I haven't really sat down to absorb the show yet.

Hmmm, it's hard for me to rec, to be honest, because it's a show that I really think you should watch from the very beginning. You need the progression of the characters, their relationships with each other, and the overarching Big Plot. I can say with full sincerity that the very first episode is awesome. It hooked me in the first five minutes, and it was just more and more love from that point on. Watch the first fifteen minutes or something, because if you're somebody who is attracted to that kind of a show, you'd be SET, just within that first 15 minutes. But if those 15 minutes don't hook you, then let me know, and I'll see if something further down the line won't be more appealing.

4: I had no idea you watch Medium! If you've seen it, how do you feel about the finale? (And if you haven't, just hold on to this one 'til you catch up)

I had no idea you watch Medium either! I LOVE that show. But I'm not fannish about it in the least, so I don't talk about it much. I haven't seen the finale yet. I'm at 5.13 (How to Make a Killing in Big Business), so I've got a ways to go still.

5: Have you seen Chris Pine in Princess Diaries 2 yet? ;)

Hahaha, I've actually seen a glimpse of him in that, yeah, but I haven't watched the whole thing. I told myself I wasn't going to go through his filmography, but guess what I've been doing. But it does make me appreciate his work as Kirk even more.

1. Marry, Shag, Throw off a cliff: David Batista, Shannon Moore, Mr. Kennedy

Man, I should've known better than to do this to people, because now I'm getting it back three-folds. Cries. Goddamn you, Opera. At least I gave you ATTRACTIVE people.

Marry: Batista. YOU FINALLY get YOUR WISH OPERA ARE YOU HAPPY NOW? But I'd marry him so I can take him for half of what he's worth when he inevitably cheats on me with some Diva.
Shag: Shannon Moore. I FEEL SO DIRTY.
Cliff: Kennedy. 'Cause I hate him just that much more.

2. What's your favorite wine?

It used to be Ironstone Obsession Symphony. But I've gotten tired of it 'cause for awhile, that was all I drank. Now I'm kinda BLECH.

I don't have a current specific favorite, but I tend to like Reisling and Gewurztraminer.

3. True or false: Dean Winchester is the more intriguing brother.

False. Intriguing being the keyword here. Dean is straightforward. His emo manpain is very uncomplicated. Despite his reluctance to talk about his feelings, I've always felt that he's very clear, internally, about who and what he is. Sam, conversely, is the tricky one. The one who says one thing but means another and deep down is something else altogether entirely. He's more intriguing for that. For the self-deception. And the epic batshit.

4. Which fandom would you not touch with a 50-foot pole?

Twilight. For sure. But for a source that I'm actually interested in, but won't touch the fandom? The hardcore book people for Legend of the Seeker. I'm only interested in the show, not the books, but the two are entwined. There are reasonable book people, but considering I think the show is about sixteen billion times better than the books, I'll probably get crucified by the crazy book people. And I'd also hate them, too, because srsly, where your taste at?

5. Wouldn't M.Hardy/Taker non-con make an awesome story?

lololololol. In your hands? I'm sure it would. :D

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