Impact Taping Spoilers

Dec 05, 2007 10:47

Okay, I'm not cutting this, because I don't think anybody on my friendslist gives a crap. If you'd rather I cut-line in the future, let me know, otherwise I'm not going to bother.

So anyway. Briefcases. REEKS OF RUSSO. And I do mean reek. Let's not even get started with opening the briefcases on Impact. Because people paid 40 bucks to have their payoff shown on free TV instead. There are times when I applaud TNA for drawing shit out. This isn't one of them.

Anyway, Low Ki got his release, so presumably, he has the You're Fired briefcase, but no, Daniels wins it from him. AND DANIELS GETS FIRED??? WHAT???


Dude, I read that, and I was literally yelling at my monitor, WHAT?


Obviously, Daniels isn't legit fired. But it's like, okay, they started the Cult Leader thing, and good thing I didn't invest in that panning out, because HA, it didn't even last two weeks. Unless this being fired thing is actually a part of it, which I doubt, but I really hate there is a part of me that kinda hopes and wants them to prove me wrong. I hate hope. I hate hoping.

I hate being whiny complainy pants over something that I claim that I'm trying not to give a shit about. But URGH, it's just... it's Daniels, man. I've managed very well in not giving a crap about the rest of the show, but it's Daniels, and it enrages me that someone so awesome is getting the short end of the stick. And I don't just mean awesome as in awesome in the ring, awesome as a wrestler, but awesome as a person, and no, I don't know him personally, but I've yet to hear one single bad rumor about him. I've heard ridiculous shit even about AJ, but never Daniels. I'm not saying either of them is a saint, but just... it's not fair. 80% of the top guys in TNA right now aren't even TNA homegrown guys, and worse than that, they're people who have scandal swirling around them. DUI, steroids, drugs. Then you have Daniels, who by all accounts is a hard-working, upstanding guy, who is enormously talented, and he's stuck in mid-card hell.

In the end, I just feel stupid. Because I'm still six years old, believing that good things should happen to good people when the world obviously doesn't work like that.

tna stupidity, whiney pants, twig is emo

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