(no subject)

Oct 08, 2007 23:31

My brilliance, let me show you it.

Lately, because my life has been sucked into a downward spiral of work, I've been DL-ing Heroes and hauling ass out of bed early the next morning to watch it. I haven't done this since Rome, and Rome was the first show I did something this crazy for. Trust me, I love sleep like crazy, so it's quite a feat to drag my ass out of bed.

Tonight, as I'm DL-ing the third episode... it suddenly occurs to me that I could've taped it.

Cue FACEPALM x 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000

I could've used this thing known as a VCR to tape television programs. Then I can watch it immediately upon return from work instead of waiting until the next morning.

Urgh. I am made of stupid.

And it doesn't matter that I've just learned this lesson, because hopefully this will be the last week of working crazy hours, then I can blissfully return to watching my lovely Heroes on television when it airs.

So yeah. My brilliance, let me show you it.


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