Dear. God. WHY.

Jun 06, 2007 22:29

So I wear glasses. Prescription shades are too expensive, so I got a pair of clip-ons custom made for my frame.


One day, my clip-on mysteriously disappeared. I searched high and low. I firmly believe in the principle that the moment you stop looking, you will find it. Or also: the moment you replace it, the original will show up.

I held on for months.


So finally, I gave up. I really need shades for this summer. So I sent in my glasses to be fitted again. I had to wear my old glasses, which aren't that great vision-wise and pinch my head, and just generally annoying to wear and gives me a headache.

I put up with this for two weeks.

Today, I get my glasses back. I had planned to pick them up with my sister. Instead, she picked them for me earlier in the day and left them home while we went to eat. I got home, so happy to get my glasses back.

One of the lens is scratched all to hell. Or rather, I think it's been heat-cracked. I can't see out of that lens at all.


So I have to go back to the eyewear shop tomorrow, in Richmond, which is really fucking far out of my way, to get them fixed. I have no idea if they will admit responsibility or not. Trust me, I am ready to make a scene if they don't. I'm 99% of the time the type to swallow any wrong. Not for this. And when they get to fixing the glasses, that will take time. And I will still be wearing my headache inducing glasses while I wait. And then I have to make the return trip AGAIN to pick them up.

But oh, the story doesn't end there.

I have made the prediction 230482343 times, from the moment I put my glasses in to be fitted to the dinner tonight with my sister, that I will no doubt find my old pair of clip-on, undamaged, and most likely in plain sight, the moment I get my new pair.

You can guess what happened.

My sister found them. The original clip. In a drawer that I open nearly daily. One that I have searched 2984294384 times for said clip but could not find. But they were right there. IN. PLAIN. SIGHT.

Times like these, one can only laugh. Otherwise there will be major property damage.

life sucks

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