Fandom: adam Lambert, rps
Promts: Broken promises, self harm, long distance relationship, tight spaces and supernatural: freash bite/first transformation.
You PromisedFandom/Pairing: Adam Lambert, RPS, Adam Lambert/Tommy Joe Ratliff
Medium: fic
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Swearing, AU, past self harm, past depression, past anxiety, were-cat, supernatural, bites, sex.
Summary: Fill for the prompts broken promises, self harm, long distance relationship, tight spaces and Supernatural: Fresh bite/first transformation for angst bingo, hiding an illness/injury for dark bingo and scent for smut_69. Adam and Tommy have been dating since high school, and Adam worries that the stress of going to separate colleges in separate states may have caused Tommy to fall back into old habits, even though he promised to never hurt himself again.
Angst bingo card