Super quick note!

Oct 08, 2011 04:43

I know Round 3 is open for sign ups and I'm still behind!

Graphics should be posted tomorrow :knocks on wood: Thanks so much to raggedy_edge and canadiangoddess, or I'd be a total wreck.

I have updated the Rules, FAQ, and Prompt list to reflect your voting. The Points and Scoring page has also been partially updated (the points and descriptions are in place), but I still need to make the proper display figures. If anything is confusing or missing, please feel free to comment here and let me know so I can fix it!

I'm still trying to figure out a good time line for the arbitrary awards and mini challenges, and hope to have this posted before the challenge opens for posting. The length of the challenge is now 7 months instead of 6.

If you're interested in volunteering to create graphics for winners in any capacity, please leave a comment on the proper sign up page. This does not affect your ability to participate in the challenge, and if you are the winner, someone else will make your graphics for you. I'm just trying to find a way to make this more timely. :)

And off I go again, like a chicken with no head. Have a good night! Er... Morning! Oh, just have a great weekend. :D


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