Hey guys! Sorry things are a little hectic, and I'm way behind... I still haven't forgotten you, even a little, but I just got engaged, and might be getting a new job, and things have been an utter whirlwind in real life! I'm running around like a flailing crazy monster trying to get all the right things in all the right places... (And I'm not even getting married until June - there's just some big stuff that needs nailing down ASAP.)
But! I can announce with great confidence the winners of our Hiatus Challenge!
For First Place: With 1950 points, after 3 submissions,
telaryn! Choosing the Eight Corners made a difference. Great job!
In Second Place: With 1050 points, after 3 submissions,
whichclothes! Their last submission came in on 9/19, which makes...
Third Place: Also with 1050 points and 3 submissions,
welfycat! (Their last submission was on 9/24.)
While in normal rounds we let people tie, there was no distinction for 3rd Place, and as a flash round, it seemed inappropriate to be giving everyone that participated a placing card. To see the spreadsheet of points and submission dates, check
Congratulations to everyone that participated, and congratulations to our winners!
And now, as we roll closer to Round 3, the poll I've been promising you:
Poll Angst Bingo - What sorts of changes... And now to go run around like a crazy thing again. Have a great day guys!