gala_apples Fandoms: bandom (My Chemical Romance, Panic at the Disco)
here Angst: getting physical, asphyxiation, fatalism, time loops, psychotic break
Intervention From On High Prompt: getting physical
Fandom/Pairing: bandom, mcr gen
Medium: fic
Rating: pg
Warnings: none
Summary: Four times the Olympians physically intervened in the lives of My Chemical Romance members, and one time they didn't.
Between Twelve and Twenty a Minute Prompt: asphyxiation
Fandom/Pairing: bandom, pre Brendon/Spencer
Medium: fic
Rating: pg
Warnings: BDSM universe
Summary: The day Brendon nearly dies is the day he realises he might need a dom.
A Life's Forcast Prompt: fatalism (wildcard)
Fandom/Pairing: bandom, Brendon/Gerard
Medium: fic
Rating: pg
Warnings: none
Summary: Brendon only gets his future told when he can no longer avoid it.
Hell is a Bill Murray Comedy Prompt: time loops
Fandom/Pairing: bandom, gen with mentions of Frank/Mikey and Mikey/OMC
Medium: fic
Rating: pg
Warnings: MC death
Summary: The first time Mikey dies Frank cries. The second time he decides to change things.
My Heart's on Fire Prompt: psychotic break
Fandom/Pairing: bandom. Past Frank/Jepha, Jepha/OMCs
Medium: fic
Rating: pg
Warnings: mass off-screen death
Summary: “So, I’m gonna pull a Carrie,” Frank says. Spencer seems the kind that would understand that.